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Sony Pictures Imageworks, Vancouver                                    


  Storks                                                                                                   .........fall film release

    Senior Lighting and compositing TD for the all CG feature using The Foundry's Katana lighting

    software and NUKE compositing software.

  Angry Birds

    Senior Lighting and compositing TD for the all CG feature using The Foundry's Katana lighting

    software and NUKE compositing software.

Walt Disney Animation Studio, Burbank


  Big Hero 6

    Senior Lighting and compositing TD for the all CG feature using Disney's Hyperion Lighting

    software and NUKE compositing software.

Sony Pictures Imageworks, Culver City


  Hotel Transylvania

    Senior Lighting and compositing TD for the all CG feature using Imagework's Katana Lighting

    software and NUKE compositing software.


  Arthur Christmas

    Senior Lighting and compositing for the all CG feature using Imagework's proprietary Katana

    lighting and compositing software.


  Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore

    Senior Lighting of CG animals, digital projection of live action animals onto CG geometry,  

    Face replacement, green screen pulls and integrations of live action, CG and

    prejectected elements to create talking characters.



    Senior Lighting and compositing using Imageworks’ latest proprietary raytrace lighting package

    and Apple’s Shake compositing software. Integration of green screen CG elements and

    painted environments.



Rhythm & Hues, Los Angeles


  Land of the Lost

    Senior Lighting TD creating CG characters to integrate into live action environment.



Sony Pictures Imageworks, Culver City


  Eagle Eye

    As compositing TD on this film I was responsible for taking a series of elements meant

    to extend the live action set and seamlessly combine and integrate them into the live

    action scene.


  Speed Racer

    Lighting of CG characters and the integration of those elements with CG environments

    and Paintings.


  I Am Legend

    Responsible for lighting and compositing of CG deer and CG city aging elements

     including street cracks, weed and plant growth as well as treatments applied to builings

    and sky.


  Spiderman 3

    Lighting and Compositing TD for CG characters, set pieces & buildings and their integration

    into the live action footage.


  Open Season

    Lighting and Compositing TD responsible for lighting and integration of full CG environment



  Lighting and Compositing of CG set pieces and their integration along with FX elements onto

    the live action footage.


  The Polar Express

    Lighting and Compositing TD responsible for lighting and integration of full CG environment


  The Haunted Mansion

    Compositing TD in charge of finalizing the look for floating blue entity character and

    reating script templates for use by other artists.


  Early Bloomer

    Lighting and Compositing TD responsible for lighting and integration of full CG environment


  The Matrix: Reloaded

    Lighting and Compositing TD for CG sentinels, tow bombs, Nebuchadnezzar and full

    CG environment.


  Stuart Little 2

    Lighting and Compositing TD for CG characters, set pieces and their integration into the

     live action footage.


  The Chubbchubbs

    Lighting and compositing on full CG short film winning an Oscar for Best Animated Short

    in 2002.  While contributing significantly to these shots, in fairness I must include that

    these shots were ultimately completed by other artists due to a family emergency.


  Cast Away

    FX animator creating splash and wave crest effects and compositor on panorama ocean

    shot from cliff point of view. One voice in a chorus of compositors contributing their work

    on this shot over the course of a year’s time.


  Charlie’s Angels

    FX ainimation of missle trail, lighting of CG rocket elements and compositor



    Lighting of CG electrodes & cloth composited with green screen and live action elements



DreamQuest Images/Walt Disney Company/The Secret Lab


  Mission to Mars

     FX animator creating CG blood and hull breech detection Dr Pepper liquid.



     FX Animation of shuttle engine elements, asteroid debris and trail elements.


  Deep Rising

    FX animator creating CG drool elements across teeth and down form protrusions of CG

    sea monster character


  George of the Jungle

    FX animator creating dust and pebble elements for integration of CG elephant character.


 Con Air

    Modelling and Lighting  & FX TD. Responsible for modeling, texturing, animating and lighting

    of CG exploding door element as well as FX and some lighting to propeller fly off shot.



TV Art, Hollywood

  On Air Station ID, Commercials & Motion Graphics

    Digital 3D Artist in charge of all aspects of element creation.  Using Wavefront and Composer

    to model, shade, light, render and composite.


    - Pacific Theaters ID trailer, design by Dale Herigstad

    - Fox on air ID & Fox Movie NightID

    - 97th Annual Grammy Awards graphics package


© 2016 July by HARRY GUNDERSEN  created with

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